1 Museum Rd., New Windsor, NY, 12553 Map
Regular hours are Wednesday to Monday, 10:30 am - 5:30 pm. Hours can change throughout each season, check the website before visiting: https://stormking.org/visit/
The Storm King Art Center Museum Pass is valid for a free six-person car admission to Storm King, limited to one ticket per day during public and Member-only hours.
The patron should borrow the physical pass from the library and present it to the admission booth at Storm King. Storm King is no longer accepting or requiring timed reservations with library museum passes.
This physical pass must be returned to the library. When making your reservation on the calendar below, please choose the date that you will be picking up the pass from the library. (If a date is shaded in gray below, it means that the library is closed, not that the museum is closed.)
Visit Website This link opens in a new windowPhysical (must be picked up at the library and returned) passes are available. Select your desired visit date from the calendar below.